I have installed
in virtual box
the sync problems are the same
Outlook sync problems (a lot of them)
I have just been to a customer who uses M365. This problem also occurs with M365! In caching mode the calendar is almost empty (a few entries are displayed) and in online mode all appointments are available. This can therefore not be a grommunio problem.
There will be error messages if the outlook has problems with calendar elements, which Outlook also documents.
We've just migrated around 100 accounts from Kerio to Grommunio and we also see lots of sync issues over the EAS interface. Outlook of course, but e.g. also on Mac if we connect the accounts via Exchange instead of IMAP.
So I'm afraid it's really related to the EAS part of Grommunio.
The latest update from this week doesn't help either.
Also it doesn't only affect the calender, but also mails older than 11-12 months (can't be defined exactly, sometimes two mails from the same day a few months ago behave differently, one loads, the next only shows headers.
Are there any known/supposed workarounds for this?
It's actually quite disappointing how unstable this seems once it's running with more users (as we've had id running with 10 users for a few weeks with no issues).
Sorry, I cannot understand that this is an Outlook Problem.
In previous Versions it worked well.
Now I can do nothing in the WEB Interface.
When I write a new E-mail:
Lot of Sync Errors
When I define a new Appointment
Lot of Sync Errors
When I define a new Contact
Lot of Sync errors
Is there anybody who uses the WEB interface and Outlook and it works?
I have the newest version 2025.01.01
All installations are running on a virtual machine.
(virtual box and Strato V-Server)
this was not my Question.
My Question is:
Is there anybody who can use it without error.
Its no problem for me.
I dont use it too.
Its for test only.
I thought I would help you to fix problems.
I thought you should not deliver a software with problems.
Its your decision.
If you are not interested in this problem I stop testing it.
Unfortunatly the syn problem in Outlook persists in Version 2025.01.1, and if you enable the cache mode in Outlook you will not see appointments of shared calendars, if you disable the cache mode it works.
I do not think that this is an Outlook problem, we also manage Exchange Servers for customers and there are no sync issues when using the cache mode.
This seems to be a problem which is still not completely solved.
- Edited
With the new Appliance release and the upgrade of gromox 2.40 we have also sync problems on outlook in cache mode if a new mail is created and sent by Grommunio Web App then the sent folder yould not be synced anymore - also if we delete the mail from sent folder - sent folder gets synced again but then the trash folder stops sysncing as long as the deleted "sent" mail is in the trash
so it seems there is a problem with mails created in Grommunio Web
there is someone else who posts the same problem as I.
I hope anyone from the grommunio team reads this and resolves this problem.
I am sure when this problem is solved, the other sync problems are solved too.
gromox- was released last night, try this update.
We have identified some potential problem here.
To support our investigation, we would kindly request you to answer the following questions:
- Have you migrated you data into grommunio (we suspect yes)?
- If so, from where did you migrate from and how/what tool have you used for the migration?
- From when (date, or if you can even recall from which gromox-version) was the store created (the better the estimate, the better to check for us)?
No there was no migration - installed plain new appliance - empty mailbox - create mail in outlook (cached mode) - gets synced (is available in Grommunio-Webmail)
create mail in Grommunio-Webmail - sync errors in outlook cached mode and no new mail created from Grommunio-Web gets synced -
switch outlook to online mode - all mails available